Friday, October 27, 2017

Hard Work & Dedication

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Managing other people can be a complicated situation, especially if the people you manage are older than you. At the age of eighteen I assumed the position of a general manager for a restaurant that I had been already working for three years.

At first everything was simple, my job only consisted of making sure that any costumer that walked into the section or area I was serving had their chips, salsa and drinks, that was my priority for 8 months. Until I started as a waiter, now things got a bit difficult I was constantly messing up orders, taking too long to take an order, small things like that, I never let myself down I was always pushing myself for more.
After completely learning the menu and finally getting the hang of being a waiter, the owner gave me a menu for all the alcoholic drinks that the restaurant serves. Why? I mean at the time I was only seventeen, I couldn't even take an alcoholic drink to a table because of my age. Why would he want me to memorize the alcohol menu for? August 15, 2016 was the day I turned eighteen, that day I had to work, even if it was my birthday. All I can say is that I am glad I showed up to work that day, I remember it like it was yersterday, August 15,2016 was the day that the owner of the restaurant, asked me who would be a good candidate for a manage that would be able to assist them in all of their three locations. I quickly answered and said a waiters name, he looked at me and said "Happy birthday manager."
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I have been managing the restaurant for a year now and all I can say that it is a big responsibility, I work every single day of my life, everyone at the restaurant expects me to take care of any issues, basically everyone goes to me for everything. Since I became a manager I lost a lot of friends, I never go out and I'm always busy, but over the course of time things pay off. If it wasn't for the owner of the restaurant I would not be here, my point is that with hard work and dedication everything is possible, who would of though that at the age of eighteen I would be a manager.

Friday, October 13, 2017

The Day Of The Dead

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For many it is a mystery, for others it is a relief, but as peculiar as it may sound, in Mexico, the day of the dead is a holiday. Although few people may not believe it, celebrating the day of the dead can be an amazing experience.

Every year on November 1st and November 2nd, the relatives of the deceased remember their loved ones with an offering. The offerings consist of placing an altar decorated with flowers, photographs, objects belonging to those who no longer live in this world and even their favorite food and desserts.

This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation and is of Mesoamerica origin, although it is strongly associated with Mexico, due to the fact that Mexico is where the tradition originated from.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2017


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It all started about two weeks ago, the weather was bad and everyone in Texas was going completely crazy due to the fact that a hurricane was coming, that was supposed to hit in the coast of Corpus Christi, Hurricane Harvey. Now everyone was worried, I on the other hand was not, you might question why? Well simply because at the time I was stubborn.

August 26, 2017, it all started, the weather was horrible, rain was pouring bad, and everyone was home while I was currently working. After leaving work around two in the morning, I noticed that the water was quickly rising, not being able to get to my house do to the water that was already reaching half of my tires, I decided to stay at the nearest gas station. After spending the night at the gas station, I decided to call my parents  to notified them where I was staying at. After a couple of hours, I was able to get to my house only to notice that the water had been able to reach the mobile home that my parents and I are currently living in. I'm not going to lie to you all, seeing my house with water destroyed me. I had been working more that seventy hours at the restaurant I am currently employed at, just to provide my family with a decent home to live in. Now after actually completely doing what I had strive so much for, I came home only to notice that some parts of my house were completely wet and slowly falling apart do to all the leaks in the roof, and from the water that had reached my home.
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Hard Work & Dedication

Google Images Managing other people can be a complicated situation, especially if the people you manage are older than you. At the ag...